20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - 1 3 of the new floor Onochi, Funashi, Taimichi [youtube-8q9_Kjo5MIs].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - 2 3 of the new floor Onochi, Funashi, Taimichi [youtube-Dh23u7aKKZ0].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - 3 3 of the new floor Onochi, Funashi, Taimichi [youtube-u13qqd5nxa0].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Business Trip TORE! The Trial of the Iron Ball South Walk [youtube-9rwUrB1js_Q].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball Kanzuki Issa, Mirei Kiritani [youtube-Y3wpR_H0C9M].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - EXITの [youtube-PiN6FueR91A].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Kintaro between the new wall. [youtube-nnV2331czQg].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Saka s trial Shokyo Wakabayashi [youtube-IOcG9L56k8k].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Sanyu」 [youtube-EemtHTstzUo].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Shingo Murakami [youtube-DkbOt7fGa9w].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Shiritori stone version trial Onochi [youtube-su_bCPivx0I].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - The viewer will challenge the business trip TORE! Trial of the iron ball [youtube-GSIyAPzNt8g].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Tomo Ohno [youtube-PHOVaywL8go].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Trial of Saka Tomo Ohno, Funashi, Taimichi [youtube-kbzlFl-5ENQ].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] - Trial of Shiritori stone version Miyu Yu , Mizu Ali, Yokoyama Yu [youtube-mBd6tZC6WPg].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -SPing the mummy Kintaro. Home [youtube-xxqampVaa40].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -SPween the cliff ATT Samomori Matsumura, M太taichi [youtube-UHW5JzifnL4].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -SPween the cliffs 1 patrol-kanji illustration Q [youtube-xin96jpiF-U].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -SPween the cliffs 2 patrols - common hitsuki Q [youtube-OI3idOOuOQk].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -SPween the cliffs last patrol [youtube-x1K5vzusccs].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -イラween Mikubo Ari Mizu」, Sugi-chan [youtube-DpfU22AeIMY].ass
20130819 TORE SP1 2 hours SP [2013.08.19] -壁のween the new wall Onochi, Kintaro . Japanese [youtube-z8dniD-kG4Y].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Business Trip TORE! Test of Iron Ball Kitamura Ichiki, Matsuzaka Momi [youtube-2NTF5hTM2ik].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - NANA, Nobugo Murakami, Kazuhiro Kiyohara [youtube-amsourQIC4w].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - NANA, Shingo Murakami, Kazuhiro Kiyohara [youtube-XPsRB7hGgjk].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Suzuki Fuku between the new wall [youtube-gIqFfZyrd2A].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Suzuki Fuku, Kiyohara Kazuhiro [youtube-qh451FIo0b4].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Tadamura Jun during the cave [youtube-Pg0Hy4V4xcg].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - The Last Pilgrimage during the cliff [youtube-vXSq1PnBUzs].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Tsutsumi」ween the New Wall [youtube-MM8uZrroFUQ].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Watchers Challenge Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball [youtube-F9p8pPiqad8].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] -SPween the cliff 1 patrol - Kanji illustration Q [youtube-R5yeeY5A0Pk].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] -SPween the cliffs LIN ATT LINA, funashi [youtube-Bcdxy40mulg].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 2 hours Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] -鈴木ween the cave Suzuki Fuku, Kiyohara Kazuhiro, Maruyama Takahira [youtube-a7pBQSCBn3A].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - 1 3 of Shin-Iwama, Jun Tamura, Funashi, Tomoharu Shoji [youtube-4aD_VKx4N9k].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - 2 3 of the Shin-Iwama, Jun Tamura, Fuっshi, Tomoharu Shoji [youtube-V9n_my7yaFQ].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - 3 3 of the Shin-Iwama Jun Tamura, Fuっshi [youtube-ae0VsTeKwZ8].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - A trial with a new tension, Tadamura Jun, Funazushi [youtube-PkYek2iqCqk].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball Abe Sadow [youtube-3hO-U5as4yw].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Business Trip TORE! Yuko Takeuchi Trial of Iron Ball [youtube-6TDKGioRI84].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - Natsu Tamura [youtube-czU4gqImUTY].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - The new wall floor Ryuhei Maruyama [youtube-0dSh8a96_-k].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] - ミing the Middle Iwaio, Goto Teruki [youtube-vXuxTiG50xE].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] -SPing the Middle Ages Kun Arimura, Izumi Maruoka [youtube-jwMA3SNnNcA].ass
20130924 TORE SP2 Two-hour Kizuna SP [2013.09.24] -巡ween the cliffs 2 patrols - common hitsuki Q [youtube-1KuNIAceMEU].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - 1 2 of the basement building Ryo Tamura, Akimi Darenogare, Keiko da [youtube-4ffJpf6EH4A].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - 1 3 of the basement building Wakabayashi Masayo, Yashiro Yu, Funazushi [youtube-lWXfAMenjm8].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - 2 2 of the basement building Ryo Tamura, Akimi Darenogare, Kei Right da [youtube-dNxPqBRCtxk].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - 2 3 of the basement building Wakabayashi Masayo, Yashiro Yu, Funazushi [youtube-URudm1CnU4c].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - 3 3 of the basement building Shoyo Wakabayashi, Yu Yamashiro, Funazushi [youtube-bpXk8KrPTE0].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - A trial of picture- ing Ryo Tamura, Akimi Darenogare, Kei Right da [youtube-dEBufFES2II].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - A trial of picture- ing Shoy、 Wakabayashi, Yu Yamashiro, Funashi [youtube-Ej1fLIrKx88].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Business Trip TORE! Japanese Steel Ball Trial [youtube-TLRH0OBiGTM].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Business Trip TORE! Testimonial of Iron Ball Fukase [youtube-gw9Y9sPZhf8].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball Tode Changdai [youtube-UzNHSsRbIt0].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Shiritori stone plate trial Kushikatsu [youtube-Z1GXmf6M4G8].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Tensioned trial Shino Sakagami [youtube-1ZGLcBuXFBU].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] - Viewer Challenges Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball [youtube-6R6rDGgktGI].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] -SPween the cliffs ATT Comfortable height, Masayo Wakabayashi [youtube-gFqG-efOJuQ].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] -SPween the cliffs last patrol [youtube-ovKzVcqLR4w].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] -巡ween the cliffs 1 patrol - kanji assembly Q [youtube-ql_VZm91lvw].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014 07] -巡ween the cliffs 2 patrols - common hitsuki Q [youtube-XoYf87A5eoE].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014]07] - TORE! of adaptation [youtube-a2ztoDiOSTg].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014」07] - Mihime Ando during the new wall [youtube-vKvOJYkod2M].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014」07] - Shin Iwama Shinobu Sakagami, Hiromi [youtube-fcCfGTl4kzw].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014」07] - Shin-iwama Shinobu Sakagami, Hiromi, Masay」 Wakabayashi [youtube-6i9C9N27DrM].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014」07] - Shinobu Sakagami between the new wall [youtube-aztHUs9r6eE].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014の07] - Beの, the baptism of the iron ball, the baptism of the new wall [youtube-ecF5NJjiIZk].ass
20140407 TORE SP3 2 hours SP [2014の07] - Shingo Murakami, the baptism of iron balls and smoke curtains between the new wall [youtube-PBtAsq14Zg4].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Festival [2014.08.27] -洞窟ween the cave Shinsei Oda [youtube-Ab5NItP7pmM].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - 1 3 of the basement building Sakidai Yasuda, Nobugo Murakami, Kenji Tsurumi [youtube-ElagepUMJac].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - 2 3 of the basement building Sakidai Yasuda, Nobugo Murakami, Kenji Tsurumi [youtube-9t5qqPEOe7s].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - 3 3 of the basement building Sakidai Yasuda, Nobugo Murakami, Kenji Tsurumi [youtube-I2-zTvOGyE0].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Business Trip TORE! Iron Ball Trial May J. [youtube-gRVYm-JYE_Y].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Business Trip TORE! Testimonials of Iron Ball Karazawa Jumei [youtube-YARS1lTsKr8].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Business Trip TORE! Testimonials of the Iron Ball Mr. Hoshigai, Soshi Fukushi [youtube-G5celJZUHp8].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - New Walls Honada Nozomi [youtube-2MrgdIaqT7M].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - New Walls Kin in Sho [youtube-UwrQKFMJD_Q].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - New-walled iron ball trials and funashi-bamboo baptism Kasuga Toshiaki [youtube-OpNmTAKT9uM].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Shinnari Oda, , Naoki Matakichi [youtube-QEK1Q7RRUE4].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Shiritori Stone Edition Trial Shingo Murakami [youtube-tK5_Q6UOqPk].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - SPing the cliff ATT Kin Sho, Naoki Matakichi [youtube-xsQndOW8mPo].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - The baptism of the new wall, the test of the iron ball, and the funashi - The baptism of the smoke curtain Yaki Tamura [youtube-WjiXVDRaqyc].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - The Last Pilgrimage ween Cliffs [youtube-vwst00f2EQA].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - The viewer will challenge the business trip TORE! The trial of the iron ball [youtube-QCjG0xyWWPM].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Trailer during the basement [youtube-45bch-PFC3I].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Trial of Shiritori Stone Edition Shinsei Oda, Nozomi Honda, Yuji Ayabe [youtube-zBKLubAzHUc].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Trial of three-character Shiritori Akihiro Yasuda, Nobugo Murakami, Kenji Kanzaki [youtube-ntURgSBcvjY].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - ween the cliffs [youtube-jsLeSdHhsHs].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] - ween the New Walls A Quiz of Lyrics [youtube-WpBMiV-fr1I].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] -巡ween the cliffs 1 patrol - Kanji assembly Q [youtube-_Jt6Y-ZE9N0].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] -巡ween the cliffs T -Common Hitsuki Q [youtube-iSbsc7Dz1FU].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Funakshi Festival [2014.08.27] -村ween the cave Shingo Murakami [youtube-wYnG1v_RDlQ].ass
20140827 TORE SP4 Fuっshi Festival [2014.08.27] - Fuしshi between the new wall [youtube-URtk68QtrLg].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] - 1 2 of the new rocks Keemon」da, Yuji Ayabe, Tsubasa Mashiro, Kemio, Kenshitaka [youtube-NFnEzxtBB7o].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] - 1 3 of the new floor Ryo Tamura, Hidetaka Kano, Shunichi Kawai, Yu Yokoyama, Akira Abaru [youtube-kqKOPlBpRdc].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] - 2 3 of the new floor Ryo Tamura, Hidetaka Kano, Shunichi Kawai, Yu Yokoyama, Akira Abaru [youtube-8jl2cP02lMc].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] - 3 3 of the new floor Ryo Tamura, Hidetaka Kano, Yu Yokoyama, You Aborde [youtube-axs5qoti5TA].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] - SPween the new caves Naoki Matayoshi, Kitano Kii, M太taichi, Masay、 Wakabayashi, Bibiru Ogi, Kokushi-Keitaka [youtube-rItp_veKIJs].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Daigakukai [2014.]6] -岩ween the new rocks Keemon」da, Yuji Ayabe, Tsubasa Mashiro, Kemio, Kokushi Kenkou [youtube-WtyeLRi0eKY].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Business Trip TORE! A Trial of Iron Ball Yesuri Katagiri [youtube-XXJmjOaZudc].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Business Trip TORE! Test of Iron Ball Keiichiro Koyama [youtube-rKTYGhfIrqo].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Business Trip TORE! Tetsuro Mukai [youtube-4d8hyKnAl54].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Egyptian & Russian DERO! of adaptation [youtube-62z-vuFRLKY].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - SPween the cliffs 1-2 patrols - Kanji assembly Q [youtube-dNpqUlOuPbs].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - SPween the cliffs 3-4 patrols - common hitsuki Q [youtube-i08B1aep-Sc].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Trial of Saka Ryo Tamura, Hidetaka Kano, Yu Yokoyama [youtube-Uzktp6d-K2w].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Trial with Tension Keemon da, Yuji Ayabe [youtube-2twXO9YtKrU].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - Watchers Challenge Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball [youtube-Jn0IpC4ErV8].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] -の間ween Cliffs ATT Toshika Kawai, Yukio Ueno [youtube-t8JAHRqT8gU].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014.]6] - Zawachin, Na Suzuki, Yu Yokoyama [youtube-WaNbXtfXMNU].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Athletic Association [2014.]6] -壁のween New and Walls Kitano Kii, Shunichi Toshiaki, Ueno Yukio [youtube-6X0Iv628IsI].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014. 6] - Business Trip TORE! Ter ball trial Maruyama Takahei, Kiritani Mirei [youtube-z5jAixgBRYI].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014.]6] - New Walls Shunichi Kawai, Tetsuro Idekawa, Shingo Murakami [youtube-vqQWfY9vbQk].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014.]6] - SPween the new cave Ki Kitano, Bibiru Ogi, Masay恭 Wakabayashi [youtube-XFpvbr3oKes].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014.]6] -村ween the new cave Shingo Murakami, Shunichi Kawai, Hidetaka Kano [youtube-GpJbIc_H8yo].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014.]6] -村ween the new cave Shingo Murakami, Tetsuro Idekawa [youtube-Vsj_yct5F_E].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Great Sports Day [2014.]6] -洞窟ween the new caves Zawachin, Tetsuro Idekawa, Na Suzuki, Toshikazu Kawai [youtube-zi03kD6iTeY].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 Taiichi M」, Yuji Ayabe, Masay」 Wakabayashi [youtube-KclhquVTiwU].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 The Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - The 6-person system between the cliffs [youtube-HEVBC8KoFOY].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 The Great Athletic Association [2014. 6] - The Last Cruising ween Cliffs [youtube-QtFavjcZzT8].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 The Great Athletic Association [2014.」6] - 5 Person System [youtube-_aOX0v5tRks].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 The Great Athletic Association [2014.」6] - The 6-person system between the new cave [youtube-yigZuHiM8pw].ass
20141006 TORE SP5 The Great Athletic Association [2014.」6] - Three Group Systems」ween New and Walls [youtube-YlMlhtz3l1o].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Enrollment Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Business Trip TORE! [youtube-UvHlIx8AZFc].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Enrollment Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Business Trip TORE! Tadashi Okura, Yusuke Inoue [youtube-aoLZbG43e7c].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Enrollment Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - The Viewer Challenges Business Trip TORE! The Trial of Iron Ball [youtube-gyBKXykwY20].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - 1 5 of the new and floor Nobugo Murakami, Nozomi Iwao, Isako Ito, Yuji Ayabe, Nebaru-kun [youtube-fKgA3NqKAh8].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - 2 52015ween New and Floor Be , Ayana Ashida, Satoshi Suzuki, Kimoto Goto, Ryo Tamura [youtube-R1CoGMsiMrQ].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - 3 5 of the new and floor Nobugo Murakami, Nozomi Iwao, Isako Ito, Yuji Ayabe, Nebaru-kun [youtube-XJPXWWfqeIs].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - 8.6 Second Bazoker [youtube-qmlVscudByo].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Business Trip TORE! Iron Ball Trial “Kyary Pamyu Pamyu” [youtube-eYboPweXqPI].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Cherry Blossom Festival [youtube-nRwE7bb5cnI].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Maruyama Takahei, Kojima Ruriko [youtube-oaq2i3uEioo].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Maruyama Takahira, Ashida, Be [youtube-vvb2ikgTZT8].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Nebaro, Goto, Ryo Tamura [youtube-qU4JHaGcIWQ].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - New Walls Asada Mai, Kokan Miho, Shunichi Toshiaki [youtube-6E7I4HZxQKc].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Results during the cliff [youtube-1BmBH06SkDQ].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Shingo Murakami, Ito Asako, Yuji Ayabe [youtube-MYxYS_g8r10].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Shinichi Shinohara, Miho Kokan, Tetsuro Idekawa [youtube-3HxOfl3k_q8].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Shinichi Shinohara, Tetsuro Idekawa, Hidetaka Kano [youtube-Nk0IbBD0Fbg].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] - Trial of Shiritori Stone Edition M太taichi, Ken Kusano, Masay、 Wakabayashi, Miho Kokan, Shinichi Shinohara [youtube-di-IdfVhuC4].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween Cliffs ATT Eitaka Kano, Satoshi Suzuki [youtube-_a1aOd0yENo].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween New and Caves Ayana Ashida, Ruriko Oshima, Nozomi Iwao [youtube-S0oVljFAo6Q].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween New and Caves M太taichi, Ken Kusano, Masay、 Wakabayashi, Miho Kokan, Shinichi Shinohara [youtube-dVPFj4VKHmQ].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween New and Caves Rio SUZ , Teruki GOTO, Aya Ashida, Ito Asako [youtube-BEMiTtaefYY].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween the cliffs 1-2 patrols - kanji assembly Q [youtube-867U1ta_pyk].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween the cliffs 3-4 patrols - photo & character QQ [youtube-uAYbVAzKr-Y].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -2015ween the cliffs 7-8 trips [youtube-vW7JF-sEkBY].ass
20150408 TORE SP6 Spring Entrance Ceremony Cherry Blossom Festival [2015 08] -イラween Mummy M太taichi, Mai Asada, Haruka Cristine, You Aborde [youtube--ZS3fd82ccA].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - 1 5 of the new floor Satako [youtube-fNi31AQiXkA].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - 3 5 of the new floor Naoki Matakichi, Ryo Tamura, Ryota Yamasato, Manami Hashimoto, Anyway Bright An Village [youtube-h2LAubLi0NQ].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - 5 5 of the new floor Naoki Matakichi, Ryo Tamura, Manami Hashimoto [youtube-C5MOFwhc2II].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Business Trip TORE! Test of Iron Ball Keito moto, Yukiko Mizuhara [youtube-yTN5qsTD7W0].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Business Trip TORE! The Trial of Iron Ball Hirota [youtube-h5cKD_L9VeY].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball Ishihara Sumimi [youtube-5Ck-WVWGw_M].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Business Trip toTORE! Steel Ball Trial Yano Tsuyoshi [youtube-v58usLMJmlQ].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Mochi, Ryosuke , Ito Asako [youtube-AESUyY_OwzU].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Satako between the new wall [youtube-cX20thgydbk].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] - Satako during the cliff [youtube-LczpZ8vL8pU].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] -2015ing the cliff ATT Tetsuro Idekawa, Shinichi Hatori [youtube-aItl987wDnU].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween the cliffs 1-2 patrols - common hitsuki Q [youtube-5V75wQEv-k4].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween the cliffs 3-4 patrols-kanji assembly Q [youtube-ZiMgYuJQ0WQ].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] -SPing the cliff The last tour [youtube-3e3ubewSNWU].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Daiset SP [2015.08.21] -イラing the Middle Ages Satako [youtube-TVA0LaXfCpw].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Grand Assembly SP [2015.08.21] - Business Trip TORE! Trial of Iron Ball Miura Haruma [youtube-bgC53VvT3SI].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Grand Assembly SP [2015.08.21] - Viewer Challenges Business Trip TORE! Iron Ball Trial [youtube-xMKCzhGvK7U].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai large set SP [2015.08.21] - The trial of the Shiritori stone version, Ryo Tamura, Kazuyoshi Ozawa [youtube-nQGpjMKHIvE].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai large set SP [2015.08.21] - Trial of steel ball Nobugo Murakami, Shinichi Hatori, Mai Mizukami [youtube-Z8waxe58u2E].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai large set SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween the new cave, Masayuki Sakamoto, Mai Mizumi, Mochi, Shinichi Hatori, Yu Yokoyama [youtube-esbpWNsbDMg].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai large set SP [2015.08.21] [youtube-4F1gPV7Y0OA].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Ogama SP [2015.08.21] - Satako between the new cave [youtube-g9bVuadFPJ8].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Ogama SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween the new cave Satako 2 [youtube-5jiluYSld_g].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai Ogari SP [2015.08.21] - New Walls Be , Tetsuro Idekawa, Noh Ebisu [youtube-0TNLgTeadrE].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai-Oh Gathering SP [2015.08.21] - New Walls Aborde, Masayuki Sakamoto, Miyuki Imori [youtube-f8gNYZGXHvs].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai-Oh Gathering SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween New and Caves Shinichi Hatori, Masayuki Sakamoto, Yu Yokoyama, Mami Mizu, Ken Miyake [youtube-uzMLsMNjAhI].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai-Oh Group SP [2015.08.21] - 2 5 of the new floor Nohru Ebisu, Keiko da, Kazue Ozawa, Ann [youtube-84p8otoUZsU].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai-Oh Group SP [2015.08.21] - 4 5 of the new floor Nakamura Ann, Genshi-Kenjo [youtube-5RA7GGdmTBw].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yokai-Oh Group SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween New and Caves Ryo Tamura, Naoki Matayoshi, Keiko da, Ann , Kazue Ozawa [youtube-IevrfomA2N0].ass
20150821 TORE SP7 Yōkai Og ation SP [2015.08.21] -2015ween the new caves Kushikatsutaka,、 Ann,田da Kei Right, Tamura Ryo, Matakichi Naoki, Kazuyoshi Ozawa [youtube-pwXZONjCzvM].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Business Trip TORE! [youtube-wi9bymHZplQ].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Business Trip TORE! Testimonial of Steel Ball Ariyoshi Hiroyuki [youtube-AbJJTd0UZUo].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Business Trip TORE! Testimonials of Iron Ball Taoho Tsuchiya, Masao da [youtube-6y6oDbP2P6Q].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Direct Showdown System between the new cave [youtube-rqBP1SeVZNo].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - during the new cave Potato Washer Slope, Ryo Kato [youtube-I5vgUG5fu6k].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Kotaki between cliffs [youtube-a1udXlBI7VU].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - New Cave Shoko Nakagawa [youtube-cCRMoVC6yTE].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - New-Wall, New-Iron Ball Testimonials Sahori Yoshida, Shunichi Toshiaki Kasuga, Yumi Kawada [youtube-WRLGxlR8Nbc].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - New-Wall, New-Iron Ball Trial Ryo Kato, Tetsuro Idekawa, Nicole Fujita [youtube-NsaiyTV4lWM].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - New-Wall, New-Iron Ball Trial Ryo Tamura, High-Tech, and Nozomi Honda [youtube-ce7fTAup2ag].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Trial of New and Iron Balls Shingo Murakami, Toshifumi Fujimoto, Chiaki Horan [youtube-BcmnFLWr4Mg].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] - Viewer Challenges On-site Tore! Iron Ball Trial [youtube-j3k-0FBZcXo].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -2016ween the cliff ATT Kanji Q Yumi Kawada, Chiaki Horan [youtube-mcvAAhOPu_4].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -2016ween the cliffs 1-2 patrols - kanji assembly Q [youtube-YevbgzLSe1E].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -2016ween the new cave Humi Kawada, Miyuki Imori, Lady Beerd [youtube-PKZzto3ymaU].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -2016ween the new cave, Horanda, Chiaki Horan, Ryo Tamura [youtube-GYHGH-ZqT2o].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -SPing the cliffs last trail [youtube-HA7l42-wmNs].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -SPween the cliffs 3-4 patrols ~ common hitsuki Q [youtube-iEbupVYBAJs].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -イラing the Middle Yui P, Yusuke Inoue, Ocarina [youtube-D9rzdCojqPA].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] -イラween Mikubo Eiji Koto, Nadal and Nishino [youtube-QgrrXXdIx2s].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] [youtube-HbGhi3CwWTQ].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] [youtube-hW18e6lFCfc].ass
20160411 TORE SP8 Renewal SP [2016 11] [youtube-WgTV7Wy6VCg].ass